Educators Jobs in Punjab II Secondary School Teacher Jobs All Punjab II PPSC SST Teaching Jobs

The Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) has announced Educators Jobs in its latest advertisement, Advertisement No. 29/2023. Applications are invited online for various vacancies in different departments, including the Communication and Works Department, Women Development Department, Punjab Food Authority, Food Department, Punjab Workers Welfare Fund, and Labour and Human Resources Department.
The positions available include:
- Secondary School Teacher SST (IT)
- Secondary School Teacher SST (Biology)
- Secondary School Teacher SST (Maths)
- Secondary School Teacher SST (Physics)
- Secondary School Teacher SST (Chemistry)
- Assistant Director (BS-17) (Labelling)
- Assistant Director (BS-17) (Standard & Accreditation)
- Manager (BS-17)
- Assistant Engineer (BS-17)
- Sub Divisional Officer (BS-17)
- Assistant Director (BS-17)
Here are some key details:
- Location: Punjab
- Education Required: Bachelor, Master
- Last Date to Apply: December 29, 2023
- No. of Vacancies: Multiple
- Company: Punjab Public Service Commission
- Address: Punjab Public Service Commission, LDA Plaza, Edgerton Road, Lahore
Eligibility Criteria:
- Candidates with Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees are eligible to apply.
- Age restriction for men is 21 to 35 years (with a 5-year age relaxation).
- Females must be between the ages of 21 and 35 (with an 8-year age relaxation).
- Males, females, and transgender individuals are all welcome to apply.
- Punjab domicile is essential for Teachers’ Jobs.
If you have any questions regarding the vacancies, the application procedure, age restrictions, or domicile requirements, please visit the PPSC website ( To apply, make sure to complete the registration within the specified deadlines.
If you need further assistance or have specific questions, feel free to ask.