WAPDA Office of the SE (SHPS) Mangla Jobs 2023 – Apply through OTS

Posted On: December 11, 2023
Location: Lahore
Education: Literate, Matric, Middle, DAE, Bachelor, Master
Salary Offer: 40,000 – 90,000
Last Date: December 26, 2023
Company: WAPDA
Address: Director (Recruitment) WAPDA B-26 WAPDA House, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Jobs Positions:
- Assistant Foreman (Electrical)
- Assistant Foreman (Mechanical)
- Assistant Station Attendant
- Carpenter
- Driver (LW)
- Imam cum Khateeb
- Jr Clerk cum Computer Typist
- Jr Technician (Mechanical)
- Low Pressure Welder
- Mason
- Painter
- Tracer
- Turbine Operator
- Turner
WAPDA Office of the SE (SHPS) Mangla Jobs 2023 Advertisement:
WAPDA invites applications at Office of the SE (SHPS) Mangla Jobs 2023 – Apply through OTS. Applicants are advised to read the following instructions carefully before filling out the prescribed application form available on the Mis OTS website (https:/pts.org.pk). The advertisement is also available on WAPDA’s website (www.wapda.gov.pk).
How to Apply:
Application Fee:
- A non-refundable test fee of Rs. 2000/-.
- Payment is to be made at any branch of Bank Alfalah, HBL, or ABL.
- Use the prescribed Bank Challan form, downloadable from www.ots.org.pk.
Submission of Applications:
- Complete the prescribed application form.
- Attach attested copies of all educational documents, domicile certificate, CNIC, relevant documents/experience certificates, and two recent passport-size photographs.
- Include the original fee Challan.
- Send via courier service or Pakistan Post to: Manager Operations (WAPDA), Open Testing Service, Office No.1, Central Avenue, Bahria Town Phase-VI, Islamabad.
- Candidates will receive text messages from OTS regarding roll number slips, test centers, test dates, and timings.
Important Notes:
- Applications submitted by hand or received after the due date will not be considered.
- After application submission, applicants should expect a confirmation number slip and a written test schedule.
Contact for Inquiries:
- For any questions regarding the application process, test details, roll number slips, test centers, or results, contact OTS at:
- Phone: +92 051 111 687 222, 051-8851008
- Email: info@ots.org.pk
Apply Now to be a part of this exciting opportunity. Join us in shaping your future with OTS!