Private jobsToday Update
OTS Jobs 2024 Invigilator

Vacant Positions:
- Invigilator
Open Testing Service Jobs Eligibility Criteria:
- Gender Required: Females & Males are eligible.
- Skills Required: Teaching, Supervision, Invigilation, Management, Monitoring, Coordination
- Age limit:
- Minimum age: 18 Years
- Maximum age: 45 Years
- Education Required: Matric, Intermediate, Graduation, Masters
- Experience Required: Minimum: 01 Years, Maximum: 05 Years
Salary Package:
- Minimum Monthly Salary: 35,000 PKR (EST.)
- Maximum Monthly Salary: 50,000 PKR (EST.)
How to Apply for OTS Jobs 2024:
- Applicants who meet the required qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications through the official website of the Online Testing Service (OTS).
- To apply, each candidate must complete the registration process on the OTS website to obtain access to the Application Form.
- Candidates must submit the filled application form along with the CNIC test fee deposit slip, and 02 recent passport-size photographs to the address given below:
- Address: Manager Operation Office No. 03, FF, Plot No. 14 E-11/3, Islamabad.
Please note that only online applications will be considered for the further selection process.
Last Date: The last date for submission of the job application is 29th February 2024.
For more details, you can refer to the OTS Jobs Advertisement 2024. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to ask!